Monday, December 20, 2010

Create Android SDK throw Eclipse

It will prompt you to choose a workspace location.

This is where all of your project files will be stored. Set it where you want, and click OK.

Once Eclipse is started up, we can add the ADT plugin. In the menu, Help -> Software Updates.

Click on the Available Software tab at the top.

Click on Add Site. For the URL, we're going to use

Click OK. It may tell you that there was no repository found at That's fine, Click OK.

Expand the tree for (note http, not https.) Click the checkbox next to the tree expander, and it will select all of the tools.

Click Install. Eclipse will go ahead and calculate the installation stuff it needs, and download the files.

Click finish, and it will install them.

Eclipse will prompt you to restart, click Yes. Eclipse will restart, and whalah, you're finished!

To run a quick test and make sure everything is working properly, go to File -> New -> Project. Expand Android, click on Android Project, and click Next.

Now we'll have to fill in our project information. Because this is a test run, we'll call the project testrun. For the package name, we'll use And last but not least, the activity name will be test.

Click Finish.

Eclipse will crunch on that for a second, and open the project in the left pane. Expand the main tree to see the file structure of a default new project. The last thing we need to do before we run our test application is set up a run configuration. In the menu, go to Run -> Run Configurations...

Double click on Android Application and it will create a new configuration. Give the configuration a name, and click browse for the project.

Choose your project, click OK. Now click Apply, then Run.

You'll notice the bottom pane switches over to Console. This will let you know what's going on with the emulator. After a few seconds, the emulator will start up.

Note that the first run will take *much* longer than usual to start up, as it's setting up the Android OS while it starts up for the first time. Depending on the specs of your computer, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to over half an hour.

After awhile, you'll arrive at the starting screen.

Click on Menu to unlock the screen. Usually, you'll get a few errors as things start up and can't be started.

I usually just click wait. In the console, you'll see it install, and then start up your application.

And with that, it's time for you to dive into the code and start making your application.

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